3D Animation Expert

3D Animation Expert

3D animation can convey an understanding of assemblies, moving parts and the interplay between humans and machines.

Care needs to be taken to ensure the 3D animation is of sufficient quality to be convincing. Certainly the animation needs to use solid surface rendering - no stick figures allowed! The animation also needs to use hidden surface removal, which involves calculating which surfaces cannot be seen from a specific viewpoint because other surfaces have moved in front of them. The animation also should be shown in perspective. This means that surfaces that are closer to the viewpoint should be larger and surfaces farther away should be smaller and moving toward a vanishing point. Matrix calculations provide the perspective. The animation should also be shown at 30 frames per second or higher. Anything less than this and the animation will appear jerky.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the animation needs to reflect the actual physics and kinematic constraints behind the motions. The human eye is trained over time what motions obey the laws of physics because that is what it sees every day. Showing an animation that does not properly obey the laws of physics can make the audience skeptical rather than involved. Shadows also need to be rendered properly or the animation will seem wrong.

I have worked extensively with 3D animation and can support your litigation efforts in that regard as a 3D animation expert witness or in a case where animation is an important part of the litigation. My qualifications include numerous peer-reviewed publications and over thirty years of engineering experience with software, robotics, instrumentation, medical devices, computer-controlled machines and factory automation.

I accept a small number of litigation support engagements to complement my regular employment as a professional engineer designing process control systems.

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